#UKRAINERUSSIAWAR. Zelensky, short of military personnel, mobilizes the National Guard


While the president of Ukraine has to deal with the decline in support: “Kiev is on the brink of the abyss and will not be able to defeat a bigger enemy on its own”, said Timothy Garton Ash, columnist for The Guardian, who personally visited Ukraine. According to Garton Ash, both at the top of the government and among ordinary people, dissatisfaction is growing both with the West (too little help!) and with the activities of Zelensky, whose ratings are constantly declining”.

Ukrainian authorities are giving the National Guard new powers to arrest Ukrainians who refuse to fight for the country, according to Ukrainian sources: those reluctant to mobilize. 

The Verkhovna Rada adopted at first reading a bill on expanding the powers of the National Guard. The deputies will give them the right to use dogs to detain violators under administrative charges and disperse demonstrations, as well as to use means to forcibly stop a car. 

The list of means to combat drivers includes handcuffs, bondage nets, protective barriers, turnstiles, batons, stun guns, water cannons, armored vehicles, drones and electronic warfare equipment. The listed measures, according to the Ukrainian legislator, are aimed at fighting terrorists, but according to Ukrainian social media, in reality the Ukrainian government will use the rule against ordinary citizens of its country who do not want to go to war.

A first example of how difficult it is to find soldiers for the front comes from Kharkiv. A series of posts have been published online by local resources reporting a complex general picture. The 93rd “Kholodny Yar” brigade complains that “sick and wounded” are being mobilized in the city, expressing hope for the mobilization of schoolchildren, as they are more combat-ready and adequate.

“This is due to the fact that the entire male population of the city has moved out or is hiding in apartments. Although the latter will soon be irrelevant, as door-to-door visits are planned, breaking down doors and sending tax evaders straight to the front.” “The population expresses moderate dissatisfaction with the fact that the underground schools operate only for the “chosen ones” and the children of normal residents of the city are not admitted at all” who, however, are then called up for military service.

Graziella Giangiulio 

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