Many residents in the north of Israel took advantage of the ceasefire to visit or return to their homes, only to find them badly damaged by the war. The homes showed obvious signs of neglect, with piles of garbage, spoiled food, dirty clothes and a proliferation of rodents and insects.
Hamas-linked groups hope that HTS’s takeover of Syria will somehow rub off on Gaza. Khalid Meshaal, a prominent Hamas figure living abroad, said: “The liberation of Syria heralds the liberation of Gaza, Quds and all of Palestine.” It is unclear how HTS is supposed to intervene in Gaza.
Hezbollah instead responded as expected that: “The crimes that Israel is still committing on Syrian territory, both through the occupation of additional lands on the Golan Heights and through the destruction of Syria’s defense capabilities, constitute a flagrant aggression and a blatant violation of the sovereignty of the Syrian people and state. This is a persistent attempt to destabilize this brotherly country. This aggressive occupation of Syrian lands occurs in the context of the Israeli army’s continued aggression in Lebanon, its daily violations and its attacks on Gaza, putting the peoples of the region in imminent danger, emphasizing the unity of the path of the peoples and the need to reject and confront this aggression. We condemn these aggressions and warn against their continuation.”
In Lebanon, there was an attempted infiltration of a HTS group in the Deir al-Ashayer area, on the Lebanese-Syrian border, where they opened fire on the Lebanese army, and there was a brief clash, then they retreated.
The Yemeni armed forces report that “the Navy, the Air Force and the missile force targeted 3 American supply ships after they left the port of Djibouti”. And they also claim “to have targeted two American destroyers in the Gulf of Aden that were escorting supply ships. The operation was carried out with a series of missiles and drones”. This is the second operation in less than 10 days.
The Yemenis also claim to have carried out two military operations against military targets in the Jaffa and Ashkelon regions with two drones.
According to a lengthy statement by the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine regarding Jenin: “For the sixth consecutive day, the city of Jenin and its camp are witnessing violent clashes between the security services of the Ramallah Authority and the forces of the Palestinian resistance, after the situation erupted following the arrest of a group of our children of the resistance in the Jenin area by the security services and the confiscation of funds belonging to the families of the martyrs, which constitutes the continuation of the plan implemented by these forces against the resistance brigades deployed in the cities and camps of the occupied West Bank Jerusalem, which play an active and distinct role in confronting the attacks of the occupation army. Herds of armed settlers.”
It also reads: “For the sixth day, the Authority forces continue the siege of the Jenin camp, while the Ramallah Authority security services have strengthened their forces inside the camp and have deployed armored vehicles on the streets and snipers on the roofs, which is reminiscent of the practices of the Israeli army in its incursions.”
A member of the Palestinian National Security Service announces his resignation and his acquittal from the Authority security services following the martyrdom of the young Ribhi al-Shalabi, caused yesterday by Authority bullets in the city of Jenin.
In a statement issued by a Coptic battalion on the events in the camp and the city of Jenin, it gives the authorities a deadline of ten in the morning at the latest if they do not withdraw from the vicinity of the Jenin camp.
Clashes are reported in the West Bank in Deir Abu Daif, Umm al-Tut, Tal Fit, Zababdeh.
Antonio Albanese e Graziella Giangiulio
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