#ISRAELHAMASWAR. North Yemen also takes the field with military ships against the International Coalition


As expected, there is an unprecedented escalation in the Red Sea. All agents present in those waters will contribute to it, and according to the pro-Houthi media “the indicators point to a declaration of war at any moment, and the next few hours will be decisive”.

Meanwhile, the Fifth Military District of Yemen led by Major General Yousef Al-Madani declared that it was ready to fight, in a meeting with his men he declared: “We will defeat them and we will defeat them in the Red Sea”. This is not the only district that joins the “Palestinian” fight against Israel. The commander of the fifth military region, Al-Madani, announced his full willingness to decisively face “the Zionist-American enemy and his henchmen”

To understand what the West is facing, just look at the videos that the Houthis are sending online on their television network with the following: “Messages from the martyrs of the naval forces and coastal defense during the support of the Al-Aqsa flood battle, 1445 AH”

In Yemen, in the north, in Sanaa, moreover, at every call from the governors, citizens take to the streets to protest against Israel as a sign of solidarity with the Palestinians, Hamas and allies. In the Yemeni Houthi social sphere we read: “Millions of marches are launched in the Yemeni governorates with the slogan “The blood of the free is on the path to victory”, “and the final declaration of the Saada march condemns the murders carried out by the Zionist enemy against the leader of the resistance.”

In another message from the Ansarullah social sphere posted after the death of Houthi militiamen following an American attack on their boats we read: “God, God, in the large crowd and in the honorable presence in the squares on the Jerusalem Road, are responding to the appeal of the leader of the Yemeni revolution, Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, may God protect him and in honor of the martyrs of the Yemeni Navy who were martyred by the bombing of the American-Israeli enemy in the Red Sea while carrying out their sacred jihadist duty to support them. Our Muslim brothers, children of the Palestinian people, in Gaza, in defense of the religion of God, carrying his message and defending the Arab and Islamic nations.”

Also of concern is the issue of Western missile reserves. According to the National Interest newspaper, “American missile and ammunition reserves are still low against repeated attacks, unlike Beijing, Moscow and Iran, which are countries with a growing military arsenal.” Despite American threats, the Yemeni armed forces continued their operations and blew up a drone ship in the Red Sea.

In online debates, the Houthis write: “America’s military superiority does not give it the right to commit crimes of genocide against the Palestinians, and Yemen’s moral superiority does not allow it to remain silent about these crimes. The logic of force will not help America in facing the Yemeni people armed with the justice of their cause and trust in Nasrallah (And to Allah belong the hosts of the heavens and the earth. And Allah is Mighty, Wise)”

2024 therefore opens with a serious possibility of the conflict widening or in any case full of regional problems in which American preparations for the elections will make a negative contribution.

It is foreseeable that both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party will try to compete to obtain the favors of lobbies of different kinds linked to the Jewish and Islamic world, even to the detriment of foreign policy. 

Antonio Albanese e Graziella Giangiulio

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