#UKRAINERUSSIAWAR. The storm arrives: the Russians attack in the direction of Donetsk and Ukraine could strike in Crimea


NATO Foreign Ministers intend to agree between today and tomorrow on recommendations for Ukraine on the path towards membership of the Alliance, the Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, announced: “NATO’s main task remains to prevent military escalation with Russia.”

The NATO number one also stated: “We see that despite all the significant help from NATO countries, the Ukrainians have not been able to move the front line during this year, this only confirms the fact that Russia does not may be underestimated.”

“Hungary has refused to support proposals to include in the 12th EU sanctions package against Russia measures that would jeopardize the energy security of European countries themselves,” the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Relations said external economic affairs Peter Szijjártó after a meeting with his European colleagues in Brussels; “At this meeting, proposals were again presented to impose sanctions against Russia in the field of nuclear energy, as well as to ban the supply of Russian oil through the Druzhba pipeline to Central Europe, including Hungary,” he said .

At a press conference Sergei Lavrov, Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs reiterated that: “Russia does not have and will not have aggressive plans”. Today the Russian Admiralteyskiye Verfi (Admiralty Shipyards) will deliver the diesel-electric multipurpose submarine Mozhaisk to the Russian Navy, the shipyards’ press service reported. The ceremony is expected to be attended by the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Nikolai Evmenov, the General Director of the Admiralty Shipyards, Andrei Veselov, and the General Director of the Rubin Central Design Bureau, Igor Vilnit.

The Mozhaisk submarine of Project 636.3 is the fifth in a series of six ships under construction at the Shipyards for the Russian Pacific Fleet. The Fleet already includes the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Volkhov, Magadan and Ufa submarines. The “Mozhaisk” and the sixth submarine of the series, the “Yakutsk”, were laid down in August 2021.

Still on the subject of weapons and supplies to the front, we learn from RIA Novosti that: “The production of the first Russian maritime drones for the Ministry of Defense has already begun”, reports the holding KMZ – Krasnogorsky Zavod.

On the Ukrainian side, although many are now putting pressure on Kiev, we learn that: “Ukraine will not sign a peace agreement with the Russian Federation without compensation” stated Deputy Minister of Justice Irina Mudra. “Ukraine will never accept this. And the world will not agree, because someone will have to pay these compensations. If not Russia, then who?” Mudra said.

And now a look at the front line updated at 18:00 on November 27th.

The alert over Ukraine began at 11:30 am despite a storm hitting Russia and Ukraine.

Soledar direction: battles on the southern flank of Bachmut. The intensity of the fighting along almost the entire front has decreased due to the worsening weather conditions. However, there are still battles of position and attempted local sorties, including in Bachmut.

The command of the Ukrainian Soledar group expects the Russian Armed Forces to become more active in the Kleshchiivka and Krasny directions. According to Ukrainian sources, Russian troops intend to occupy the heights adjacent to the villages, which is in line with their strategy.

Due to these concerns, the 23rd Battalion of the 1st Ukrainian Presidential Brigade was transferred to Krasny to assist the 57th Rifle Battalion. Upon arrival, the assault group of this formation attempted to attack to the southeast, but was unsuccessful.

Strengthening in this area due to the overall losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in various brigades during repeated attacks produced minimal results considering the cost.

The movement of the 515th separate battalion of the 1st separate special forces brigade of the Kharkov region is also being completed in Chasiv Yar. This special unit will replace the 77th Airmobile Brigade, which will regroup to restore its combat capability.

A similar backup rotation was carried out at the 80th Air Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian Air Assault Forces. It is not yet possible to completely replace it, so 290 mobilized people were sent to join its ranks.

Direction Kherson. Shortly before a strong storm hit several regions of southern Russia, Ukrainian marines made another attempt to infiltrate the forest belt in the central part of Krynoki.

Two assault groups from the 2nd Battalion of the 38th Infantry Regiment of the Ukrainian Navy established themselves south of the small forest and began establishing positions. Russian artillery fire and the subsequent deployment of the reconnaissance group resulted in casualties among the Ukrainians and their withdrawal to reserve positions in the west.

Meanwhile, to the east of the small forest near the greenhouses, the assault group of the 36th Marine Brigade occupied a strong position, but immediately came under Russian fire. During the night of November 27, amid the storm, the wounded and deceased were evacuated to Frolov Island.

Despite bad weather conditions and poor visibility, separate units of the Ukrainian Navy are attempting to hold lines in the forest adjacent to Krynki. Helicopters with a grenade and ammunition launch system were sent to reinforce the lines.

Rotation and supplies were established, allowing the Ukrainians to maintain a beachhead in the village and attempt to establish a foothold in the forest. However, these efforts were unsuccessful due to a change in the tactics of the Russian command. However, as the ground freezes, activity is likely to increase, not just in this area. Today’s sortie of Ukrainian Marines in the Poyma area, which was quickly repelled by Russian artillery fire, indicates this trend.

Russian military accounts are currently discussing a possible Ukrainian infiltration into Crimea due to storm damage on social media. “It is important to note that the recent storm could have an impact on the coastal situation in Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory, as well as on the Crimean Bridge. The wind speed was exceptionally strong and it has been decades since we last observed such powerful waves. These conditions are likely to have implications for our mine defense and blasting.”

According to Russian analysts, some parts of the fences may have been damaged and that Ukrainian formations may try to exploit this fact by launching attacks on military bases, on the bridge or on an oil depot, in Novorossiysk once the storm has calmed down. It is therefore essential for them to promptly restore these structures to prevent any consequences.

Donetsk. Vremivka sector: After a period of relative calm, soldiers of the 394th Motorized Rifle Regiment of the 127th Division resumed the assault on the landings on the Priyutnoye-Staromayorskoye line. According to Russian telegram channels, Russian military personnel managed to bring units of the Ukrainian forces to a favorable point for the Russians and subsequently removed them permanently.

As a result, the Russian army occupied more advantageous positions, advancing from the Grusheva gully to Staromayorsky, where detachments of the 128th Territorial Defense Brigade settled.

Additionally, the forces of the 175th Territorial Defense battalion, including the ATGM crew, were transferred to the northwestern outskirts of the settlement. Previously, the battalion operated in the Kherson direction and the personnel were trained for assault operations.

Graziella Giangiulio 

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