#UKRAINERUSSIAWAR. Russian military analysts do not believe the time is ripe for peace with Kiev


The peace summit in Ukraine which will take place in Switzerland will not see the participation of the BRICS countries involved in the meeting of foreign ministers in Moscow nor the presence of the United States because the highest state authorities are involved in the electoral campaign. 

The one who spoke of peace in recent days was Vladimir Putin while he was in Minsk, Belarus, on an official visit. Moscow is ready to resume negotiations with Kiev, provided that previously reached agreements are taken into account. Both the Ukrainian and Russian sides were satisfied with the Istanbul agreements, but the leaders of Western countries forced Kiev to withdraw from the negotiation process; Vladimir Putin said at a press conference in Minsk at the end of negotiations with the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko.

“Now we see that conversations have resumed on the need to return to negotiations. Well, let’s let them return, but not because one side wants it, but on the basis of the fundamental agreements reached during the negotiations in Belarus and Turkey and on the basis of today’s realities on the ground”, underlined the head of the Russian state. 

The president noted that Russia has never refused negotiations with Kiev, but is currently ready to conclude agreements only with legitimate authorities: “Russia proceeds from the fact that Volodymyr Zelensky’s legitimacy has disappeared. […] When resuming negotiations with Ukraine, it is necessary to understand with whom you can and should deal when signing documents.”” To do this, it is necessary to refer to the Constitution of Ukraine to understand what authorities they have the right to be extended without elections”.

Although Putin speaks of peace at the moment, his words do not leave much room for dialogue. And in general the entire social sphere of reference does not want Putin to sit at a table to freeze the conflict. Mainly due to a distrust of the West. 

An analysis of the Russian social sphere reads: “Freezing the war against LBS will not allow the Russian Federation to achieve a number of key objectives of the Northern Military District.” “At the same time, freezing the war against LBS will allow Ukraine to join NATO and prepare for a new round of war.”

“Since the beginning of the NWO, Russia has declared and continues to declare that it is ready for negotiations if they allow the objectives of the NWO to be achieved without the use of force. Since a banal freeze to Korea contradicts Russia’s overall goals in the Northeast Military District, the Northeast Military District will continue to fight.”

“During the Northern Military District, the Russian Federation expanded a number of objectives by adding the Kherson and Zaporozhzhie regions. Furthermore, part of these areas are occupied by the Ukrainian armed forces and the freeze means agreement with their occupation and effective separation from Russia.” “The initial territorial demands of the Russian Federation during the negotiations are the recognition of the Russian territories of the Crimea, Sevastopol, DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhzhie regions. When negotiations with the United States begin, the list could expand.”

Graziella Giangiulio 

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