AGC COMMUNICATION è diventata Strategic Partner dell’European Centre for Information Policy and Security.
Dal sito Ecips: «The European Centre for Information Policy and Security (ECIPS) is a non-partisan organization that specializes in identifying Policy and Security Information resources. This is vital to Policy and Security research that ensures that such issues are the subject of both focused, principled examination and effective action by recognized policy experts, appropriate officials, opinion leaders, and the general public.
The European Centre for Information Policy and Security (ECIPS) works to great effect since the establishment of a successful environment through the use of all elements of diplomatic, informational and economic strength. The European Centre for Information Policy and Security addresses issues such as accountability, cross-border data transfers, conflicting national legal requirements and government use of private sector data, mediation and negotiations, cross-border investigations where necessary.
The European Centre for Information Policy and Security (ECIPS) creates and maintains practical and trustworthy partnerships, with its customers, its global network partners and with its International qualified experts. This facilitates not only the realization of mutual objectives, but moreover, contributes to a sustainable creation of “Rural Intelligence”, the missing Intelligence link to security and justice.
This is essential to our research and publications to ensure that optimized capability is reached and effective implementation of all projects.In order to fulfill our mission, ECIPS also approaches qualified individual experts. Through their dedication we actively respond to the growing demand for technical assistance within the domain of freedom, security and justice.
Our services are rendered to Governments Corporations, Private Companies, Law-enforcement and security organizations around the globe with our strategic global partnerships».