The West Bank has become the new site of clashes and murders. The Palestine Information Center “Ma’ta” recorded 22 acts of resistance against Israeli soldiers and settlers in the West Bank and in the city of Jerusalem, on December 22 alone.
But in reality the most important problems are between the Palestinian Authority and the Palestinians. In fact, starting from December 4, the Ramallah Authority began a security operation in the Jenin camp. It all started when the Ramallah Authority arrested a group of members of the Jenin Brigade resistance, and confiscated the funds belonging to the families of the dead members of the Jenin Brigade.
Tensions are so high that a joint tripartite press release issued by Hamas, the Popular Front and Islamic Jihad in Palestine on December 21 reads: “Joint statement of the three Palestinian forces: We affirm our conviction in the need to contain the recent events in Jenin in order to preserve Palestinian blood and protect the resistance.”
And again: “We follow with great sorrow and great concern the events that are taking place in the city of Jenin and its camp through the escalation of the security campaign of the Authority’s security services. We affirm our will to contain these developments and prevent their expansion. Preserving Palestinian blood is an absolute priority and a red line, and preserving Palestinian unity is a duty and responsibility for all. We affirm that the weapon of resistance of all forces is to confront the war of extermination in the Gaza Strip and to confront Israeli incursions into the West Bank. Our weapons are legal and it is not allowed to damage them or target their bearers. The security services and the leadership of the Palestinian Authority must distance themselves from any measures that could threaten the unity of the situation. We call on the leadership of the Palestinian Authority to immediately withdraw from the security campaign in Jenin, which only serves Israel.”
“We call on the authorities to work immediately to withdraw forces and members of the security services from the city and camp of Jenin and to lift the siege on them. We call for the formation of a higher national committee that includes all components of Palestinian society to put an end to this attack.”
This is followed on December 22 by the Northern West Bank Clans and Families: “[…] A statement issued by the tribes and families of the Northern West Bank, Palestine […] we pity the dead of our Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank and affirm the unity, sanctity and dignity of Palestinian blood, a Palestinian citizen or a child of the security establishment, they are all our children and we pity them all. We understand very well that the relationship between the security establishment and all Palestinians in general and the Palestinian camps in particular is a relationship that must serve our liberation project, and what we emphasize in this statement in response to the so-called statement issued by the Mount Hebron tribe, we consider Jenin in particular and the northern West Bank in general and Khalil al-Rahman as a unique Palestinian fabric, but what surprised us, the clans and families of the northern West Bank, was the poisonous statement that carries within itself nothing but sedition and strengthening the division […]. Our people are attracted to the Palestinian-Palestinian conflicts that only serve the Israeli occupation. This statement aims to prioritize the language of murder and blood between people of one people and one authority. We in the northern West Bank do not need anyone to teach us and tell us that the PLO is the only legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. The sacrifices and martyrs of the northern West Bank are our commitment to Palestinian legitimacy, this is clear and frank, so we say to those who issued this poison, fabricated statement, before you ask us for any position, we ask that you limit it. The best thing is to stop your meetings and dinners with the Israeli civil administration. The people of Hebron and its activists are greater and purer than your fabricated statement. We also say to whoever issued this fabricated statement a statement of sedition and admissibility of blood among the children of a people. We say in our name and the name of the free and honorable people of Hebron, we address our call to our children in the security institution and the children of the Jenin camp to remain steadfast in heroism tell them, in the name of all of us, that Palestinian blood is sacred and we say no. […] This is our statement and this is our position in the families and clans of Jenin and the northern West Bank. We were hoping for fighters, personalities and people for freedom. Mount Hebron will come in their usual national form, will come in solidarity with us to preserve the sacredness of Palestinian blood and the Palestinian social fabric, and to preserve the blood of our children in the security institute and the Jenin camp, so that we remain united for the sake of the homeland and let Palestine be above all the families and clans, your brothers”.
Finally, in a statement on December 23, Hamas wrote: “We reject the rhetoric of the territories and the dangerous mobilization carried out by the Authority in the West Bank in the cities of the West Bank, and we warn of its effects on the national and social fabric”.
And again: “We absolutely condemn the grave violations perpetrated by the authorities and denounce the burning of the homes of those persecuted by the occupation in the Jenin camp and the use of weapons such as launchers, which were among the first to be present in the camp in the hands of resistance fighters to confront the occupation and repel its incursions”.
In the same statement, Hamas warns: “of the great risks that the authority is running in terms of persecution of resistance fighters and its justification through lies and false accusations, which undermines the unity of our ranks in confronting the crimes of the occupation and the settlers, and helps the occupation liquidate our cause at a low price and with local hands”.
Hamas also called: “all our free people to be vigilant and reject the dangerous practices of the authorities that are contrary to the principles and national values of our people. And work to intensify all energies to support the resistance and confront the attacks of the occupation. And frustrating its efforts to eliminate the resistance and complete the plan of annexation and displacement”.
Antonio Albanese e Graziella Giangiulio
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