#UKRAINERUSSIAWAR. Specific rules for the mobilised to come


That the Russian Special Operation will not end soon is evident from numerous facts and not only from the statements of the leaders directly involved in the conflict. Last week we talked about the weaknesses of logistics for the Russian Armed Forces and especially the ‘lost’ mobilised. This week a look at how attempts are being made in Russia to integrate the mobilised into Russian regulations, the task of proposing regulations to the state duma was entrusted to a Putin loyalist, Andrey Turchak, who was also accused of trying to kill a fellow politician in 2015.

The meeting of the JEE group, as the study group for the mobilised is called, was held in Krasnodar and analysed: ‘the draft law on the resolution of credit obligations to the parents of those who died at the front, who are co-borrowers. At present, this only applies to spouses or minor children. Another topic was the labour rights of SVO participants who, before the mobilisation, were working with fixed-term contracts. We will legally protect them from dismissal by analogy with what is done for women by decree’.

Andrey Turchak president of the JEE group reports that ‘the second report of the working group on NEE is being prepared for the president, which will touch on both the conclusions of the previous report and other issues that were not included in the first one’.

The issue at stake is that of the mobilised persons, their salary, sickness, injury, etc. Turchak reported that he should consider the issue of increasing various payments and allowances to SVO participants.

“Improve the work of military registration and enlistment offices and still increase the attractiveness of work in complex military-industrial enterprises. In general, the work is not yet done. But it must be done, as the problems identified will not solve themselves.” Turchak concluded.

The JEE President also supported a number of initiatives demanded by the Donbass military: ‘free legal assistance to veterans of the Northern Military District, abolition of the state obligation to restore lost documents by participants of the Northern Military District, simplification of the procedure and shortening of deadlines for recognising the missing and dead, granting veteran combatant status to militiamen who have fought for the Donbass since 2014. The relevant bills have already been submitted to the State Duma and will be adopted soon’.

Graziella Giangiulio

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