In parallel with the military front in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, a virtual front has been moving on the social sphere. And these days, Russian and Ukrainian channels are trying to set records for media disinformation.
According to the Russians: “The Ukrainian side is actively using staged video materials to create the appearance of success in the Lyptsi region, Kharkiv region. The published video materials often consist of clips collected from different sections of the front and shot at different time periods. This creates a false image that does not correspond to real events”.
Several technological factors would contribute to denying the Ukrainians. Analysis of the geolocation and time of the video shows that many images are not part of a continuous operation, but are collected from several episodes to create the illusion of a coordinated and successful offensive. However, such cuts cannot hide the real losses of the Ukrainian side and the failure of the attacks.
Despite the distribution of video material on the Internet by social media channels close to the Ukrainian military, field data indicate significant losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Lyptsi area. As a result of the attacks and retaliatory actions of Russian artillery, the Ukrainian side lost a large amount of equipment and men. Satellite images prove this. Attempts to gain a foothold in the positions ended in failure and a forced retreat.
Russian intelligence reported that Russian aircraft and artillery continue to carry out targeted strikes against concentrations of Ukrainian forces, preventing them from concentrating reserves and organizing a large-scale offensive.
According to Ukrainian analysts: “The Ukrainian command is trying to create the illusion of success in order to maintain morale and attract the support of its Western allies. They are counting on an information campaign that hides the true extent of the defeats. Despite numerous publications, the situation on the battlefield remains stable for Russian units, which continue to control strategically important areas”.
One example above all the use of kamikaze drones and artillery seems impressive from the posted videos but it is aimed at secondary objectives and does not lead to serious changes on the front line. Therefore, the tactics of the Ukrainian side are not enough to achieve real success.
Graziella Giangiulio
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