#UKRAINERUSSIAWAR. In 18 months: 284,000 obituaries of Ukrainian military personnel on the web. Minefields hamper Kiev’s advance


American tactics of decentralisation in battle proved unsuitable for the theatre of Ukrainian operations, and large-scale defensive structures and minefields in the counteroffensive zone of the Ukrainian armed forces led to the need to abandon the US Army’s ‘textbooks’.

In search of ways to overcome the minefields, the Ukrainian industry presented a new vehicle a kind of minesweeper. The military leadership asked the designers to create a surrogate mine clearance machine with the possibility of mass production under conditions of a shortage of engineering equipment.

Overall, no army in the world still has an effective technical solution for overcoming continuous minefields. Trawl nets limit manoeuvring and modern demining installations do not allow for a corridor of the desired depth and width.

In the meantime, Ukraine has made it known that it ‘has the right to attack the territory of Russia, but only with domestically produced weapons’, Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council Oleksiy Danilov gave the news

The Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council said that there are agreements between Ukraine and partner countries on not using their weapons in Russia, so that they are not accused of involvement in the war. He also noted that Ukraine’s military production is developing.

“I want to say that we have achieved some results in this. Although not everything can be said, we can say that marine drones are means and weapons that a very limited number of countries have. Such developments perform combat missions perfectly,’ Danilov noted.

According to CNBC, on the other hand, Ukraine is testing the West’s patience with its demands and military strategy. The newspaper reports that Ukraine’s military strategy – and the symbolic significance it attaches to fighting for every part of Ukrainian territory – sometimes clashes with the military perspective and pragmatism of its allies.

It is believed that Kiev displeased the US when it decided to continue the fight for Bachmut. Military analysts said it had no strategic value. However, Ukraine decided to continue the fight, which, according to military intelligence specialist Conrad Muzyka, caused dismay in the US.

For CNBC as a consequence, the Ukrainian armed forces lost many people and experts. A large amount of ammunition was depleted. At the same time, retired British General Richard Barrons defended Ukraine’s actions. He believes that Bachmut’s actions were aimed at exhausting the enemy.

In the past year and a half, independent Ukrainian journalists have identified 284,000 Ukrainian military obituaries posted by their families and friends on social media. In November 2022, the number of obituaries broke the record of 1,100 per day, with an average of 400 new obituaries published every day. This number will easily double or triple with those who are missing, cannot be identified or whose relatives are not notified of their death.

Graziella Giangiulio

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