#UKRAINERUSSIAWAR. Evidence of supersonic nuclear war


The Clock that marks the end of the world has reached minus 90 seconds, during the Cold War the same clock was at two seconds. The situation is very tense and everyone has realised that the Special Operation will expand its kinetic operations.

For the Russians, it is the fault of the request of other countries to join NATO (Sweden and Finland), for the Westerners it is just Russia’s greed in wanting to suppress the Ukrainian people.

In 2018, the OSINT, LeuBryan, intercepted an ‘emergency action message’ – a coded order to the US nuclear forces to launch an attack. During an exercise against Russia, a code of letters and numbers was transmitted from the ground to the crew of the B-52 ‘Doom 61’ twice.

To avoid reception errors, the letters were designated by words: A – Alpha, C – Charlie, F – Foxtrot, etc. – the NATO block phonetic alphabet, ICAO. You can find similar orders online on social platforms called Emergency Action Message on YouTube (RF law breaker).

On 25 January, the Americans flew to Europe for routine exercises, and there were B52s, spotted up to six vehicles, while a Russian frigate was engaged in combat training. It is not known exactly how command in the Russian Air Force works today, but there is a video of a demonstration launch by the Strategic Missile Forces in the 1990s.

The frigate, flagship of the Russian fleet, Admiral Gorshkov, practised preparing for an attack with a Zircon hypersonic missile in the western Atlantic. The Gorshkov will then take part in a joint exercise with the navies of the People’s Liberation Army of China and the Republic of South Africa in February, the Russian Defence Ministry said.

“Admiral Gorshkov then conducted a computer simulation of a missile attack against a conditioned object from a distance of 900 km. That is, on a fictitious point on the map of the United States. And as if that were not enough, Russian and Belarusian pilots practised reconnaissance, patrolling and suppression of enemy air defences during an exercise,’ the Belarusian Ministry of Defence said.

It is the same exercise that triggered air warnings across Ukraine….

Graziella Giangiulio

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