#UKRAINERUSSIAWAR. After Bachmut there are three possible directions of the Russian offensive: Seversk, Toretsk, Chasov Yar. Ukraine without ammunition, Italy called to contribute


The old continent is engaged, after having reaped the defeat of the sanctions against Russia, in the search for almost exhausted ammunition for Ukraine. The EU has defined Italy as a key supplier of ammunition for Ukraine’s armed forces. European Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton traveled to Italy to meet the Italian government and the country’s defense industry.

“The European defense industry is entering a war economy and we must support it. For the sake of the security of Ukraine and of Europe”, said Breton. On April 14, the EU Commissioner met with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Defense Minister Guido Crosetto to discuss precisely the urgent need to increase European ammunition production.

“Italy has all the credentials to fully contribute to strengthening the EU’s production capacity. Together we will create a stronger and more resilient Europe,” Breton said, underlining the goal of reaching a production level of one million a year.

Ukrainians still hope to resist Bachmut, yet on the Russian social sphere, military analysts are already thinking about where the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and PMC “Wagner” will be deployed after Bachmut’s capture.

According to analysts of the social sphere, for the moment, the format for the destruction of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Bachmut is technically the best, but soon the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and PMC Wagner will also have to act in other areas.

In Bachmut, the social sphere always reads, Ukrainian units suffer heavy losses and lose positions in the western part of the city due to the actions of Wagner PMC. The transfer of reinforcements and attempts to break through to armored vehicles are stopped by the forces of the RF Armed Forces operating on the flanks.

The artillery disables not only Ukrainian tanks but also blocks vital supplies for units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the western quarters of the city. This makes it possible to achieve the destruction of significant Ukrainian forces without a major offensive.

According to military analysts, it is no longer a question of whether Bachmut will be taken by the Russians but when and then “the Russian armed forces and the Wagner PMC will have different directions for the development of the offensive”. (METTERE LINK A different directions for the development of the offensive)

A Russian offensive could be heading towards Seversk. It will be possible to attack the fortified area of \u200b\u200bthe Armed Forces of Ukraine in this city after the liberation of Bachmut from two directions at once – east and south, from Soledar.

The capture of this city will make it possible to move the Russian forces further to Liman, Slavyansk and Kramatorsk and create a threat to the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kremeinna area. Where there are currently constant bombings and firefights.

Despite the fact that the city’s area is four times smaller than Bachmut, it is practically its exact copy: Seversk is divided into two parts by a railway and surrounded on all sides by hills, which complicates its defense.

The second direction is Toretsk. Since the beginning of the battles for Bachmut, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have transferred a large number of reserves to this area. The size of the city surpasses Bachmut, but it is inconvenient for the defenders – on the slope of a large hill. From here, the Ukrainian Armed Forces tried to counter-attack PMC Wagner and Russian Armed Forces positions in the Ozeryanovka area, south of Bachmut.

The third direction is Chasov Yar. Since January 2023, the most combat-ready units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been withdrawn to this city from Artyomovsk (Bachmut), retaining at least 30-40% of the personnel. From the very beginning of the battles, the replenishment of Ukrainian forces in Bachmut and artillery support were carried out from this area.

The destruction of the Ukrainian grouping in this area will allow planning an attack on another logistics center of the Ukrainian army – in Konstantinovka – and will open another avenue for an attack on Kramatorsk.

In addition, after the capture of Chasov Yar, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the PMC “Wagner” will be able to enter the operational space in the direction of Pokrovsk, Pavlograd and the Dnieper.

Graziella Giangiulio

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