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lunedì, Dicembre 2, 2024
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Tag: #uav

RUSSIA. Mosca ha importato droni cinesi per la guerra. Lo provano...

La Russia ha importato per mesi droni da aziende cinesi esplicitamente per utilizzarli nell'invasione dell'Ucraina, nonostante le smentite di Pechino sull'impiego di tali apparecchiature...

#UKRAINERUSSIAWAR. Moscow captures British tactical mini-drones. Replicas coming soon

On June 7, the Russians were gifted with an unexpected technology a Black Hornet. The social sphere reads: “The Russian army managed to capture...

#UKRAINERUSSIAWAR. The Ukrainian-Russian front is the testing ground for new weapon...

As written on many occasions, the Russian-Ukrainian front is not just a struggle for a territory, for the survival of one or the other...

#UKRAINERUSSIAWAR. Belgorod. under attack. The front line is blocked. If Kiev...

The premier of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky arrived at the summit of the European political community, which is held at the "Mimì castle" in the...

#UKRAINERUSSIAWAR. Mosca sotto attacco. Pochi danni e Kiev nega paternità

Continua da parte del presidente della Federazione Russa, Vladimir Putin, il cambio ai vertici: con suo decreto, ha licenziato Alisa Bezrodnaya dalla carica di...

#UKRAINERUSSIAWAR. Moscow under attack. Little damage and Kiev denies any accountability

Continued by the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, change at the top: by his decree, he dismissed Alisa Bezrodnaya from the post...

#UKRAINERUSSIAWAR. Evoluzione geospaziale, clonazione di droni e droni che volano in...

Dopo aver subito pesanti perdite dai Lancets negli ultimi mesi, l’antiaerea ucraina ha fatto ricorso alle misure più radicali per proteggere i propri lanciatori...

#UKRAINERUSSIAWAR. Geospatial evolution, drone cloning and drones flying in the absence...

After suffering heavy losses from the Lancets in recent months, the Ukrainian anti-aircraft has resorted to the most radical measures to protect its S-300PS...

#UKRAINERUSSIAWAR. Resilienza militare e offensiva alle porte dell’Ucraina

Sulla social sfera russa, gli analisti militari, sostengono che dal 9 maggio nella parte sud-orientale del Mar Nero, opera attivamente un UAV americano RQ-4B...

#UKRAINERUSSIAWAR. Military resilience and offensive at the gates of Ukraine

In the Russian social sphere, military analysts argue that since May 9 in the south-eastern part of the Black Sea, an American RQ-4B Global...

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