#ISRAELHAMASWAR. Is this the end of Hezbollah in Lebanon?


According to military analysts in the social sphere related to Lebanon: “Aoun and the Lebanese government have accepted the extension of the Israeli presence for 22 days until February 18, weakening the ceasefire agreement that explicitly announced that the Israelis would remain for a maximum of 60 days”.

And they also comment: “By weakening the ceasefire agreement and accepting an extension, they have opened the way for the Israelis to ask for further extensions that the US administration will gladly accept and then pressure Lebanon to adopt them”.

Hezbollah has already said that it refuses the extension, but has not acted because they are not in a favorable situation, over 2000 of their experienced fighters have been killed, as many are wounded, the commanders of the old guard have all been killed. Iran’s support can no longer go the way of Syria, given the fall of Assad and a new administration very close to Israel. Politically, it seems that the new prime minister is doing everything he can to annihilate Hezbollah’s parliamentarians, denying them the ministries they had always held, finance and urban planning. American officials have conveyed to Salam and Aoun the message that Hezbollah should not participate in the next government. Samir Geagea said in a statement on January 31: “We are in favor of the Finance Ministry this time being given to a Shiite, but not to someone linked to Hezbollah and the Amal movement.”

According to the same accounts: “The withdrawal has signs. We see none. They will continue to act as if everything is normal while Israel violates the ceasefire even under conditions that exclude the withdrawal part.” “The attack on Beqaa is an act of war. The area is neither south of the Litani River, nor is it armed. Attacking the streets for alleged smuggling is unacceptable, let alone attacking and killing people in Janta”.

Among the reasons for Hezbollah’s silence, based on investigations carried out with OSINT methodology in the social sphere Twitter and Facebook, we must also include the fact that many Lebanese now not only justify the Israeli presence and attacks in Lebanon or mock the air strikes against areas where Hezbollah families live, but they also openly ask, in public discussions, to take away the jobs of those who are under the umbrella of Hezbollah, even in the Lebanese state, to put Hezbollah leaders in prison and state on social platforms that they hope that Israel continues the war and exterminates the people of Hezbollah.

Antonio Albanese e Graziella Giangiulio

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